My son is already a huge fan of the Cubs - I'm teaching him well!

Chris began his career at Celtic and has returned to take a leadership position as Director of Client Services. Chris has a passion for his clients that is exemplified in his powerful strategy sessions and attention to every deliverable. He inspires his team to ensure campaigns are delivering real results to drive business forward. He shares his deep love for sports and family with clients as well.
Q: What’s your perfect summer day?
A: Sitting outside on the deck, grilling, Cubs on the radio, and playing with the kids.
Q: What is your dream vacation spot?
A: I would love to visit Ireland to learn about the culture and heritage - I am in fact Irish. I want to understand my roots and where my extended family came from.
Q: What keeps you busy in your free time?
A: Kids, kids, and more kids…And golf!
Q: What is the best part of your job?
A: I really enjoy seeing the growth and impact we make on clients over time. We have successfully heightened product lines, expanded brands, and transformed products with high sales goals. Because Celtic’s has long-standing clients, I am able to celebrate these triumphs year after year both from a company perspective and a personal perspective.
Chris Lehr
Director, Client Services