We tell ourselves stories in order to live… – Joan Didion

As the Director of Social & Content, Justine demonstrates a vision for the writing discipline at Celtic and is a critical voice in shaping brand tone for many of our clients.
Q: What’s the most exciting part of your job?
A: Connecting with people is where the most exciting creative ideas come from. We listen, we absorb, we become familiar with our clients and the work they do. From those relationships, we’re able to tell new stories and bring brands to life. That’s the most exciting part for me – when we’ve understood who the clients are and what their work is about, and they see themselves reflected in what we create.
Q: What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?
A: There’s something miraculous about that feeling of accomplishment you get when a piece of writing fuses with design and digital elements to achieve its purpose – that always comes with a ton of collaboration. I’m proud of what our team is able to accomplish each time an assignment comes our way.
Q: What led you to this career?
A: The simple answer is a love of writing – having a job where I could get paid to write was always the dream. But I got into advertising specifically because I had a mentor who gave me some great advice on what to do when job searching:
1) Write down everything you do in your current role, even the small tasks. 2) Review the list and circle everything you enjoy. 3) Check out jobs in fields that include those tasks, but don’t apply for those – you’ve already done a version of those jobs! Search and apply for positions at the next rung. Push yourself to do something new.
That’s how I got to advertising and to Celtic. I was a writer who found I truly enjoyed working in social media and content development after a lot of trial and error.
Q: What’s your favorite season?
A: It’s so difficult to choose! One of my favorite things about living in the Midwest is that we get to experience all of them every year, sometimes within the same day…There’s something particularly special about the transition seasons for me though. Could be my family farming background. Spring and fall mean it’s time to plant and harvest!
Q: What’s your favorite place you’ve traveled to?
A: I have to say Istanbul – I got the opportunity to live and work there for a couple of years, and it’s my favorite city in the world. Turkish people are endlessly kind and hospitable, the markets are breathtaking, and there’s something spine-tingling about living among buildings and infrastructure people have been using for thousands of years. It’s also the only city in the world that spans two continents. You can take a ferry from Europe to Asia, and still be in Istanbul.
Justine Bermingham
Director, Social/Content