From the built-up love story of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce that brought us the kind of game-winning kiss you'd see in a movie, to the second overtime in Super Bowl history, to Usher's star-studded halftime performance, Super Bowl LVIII was one to remember.
It's fair to say that the commercials weren't the star of the show in 2024, but our Celtic leadership team paid close attention to one of the advertising industry's biggest nights of the year, with these takeaways:
Michelob Ultra's Brilliant Blend - Marlene Byrne, CEO
As the NFL adds Swifties to its audience, I believe Michelob’s commercial was a brilliant blend of two audiences as well. The football and soccer theme, using Messi to toss the ball to Dan Marino, blended two great sports and loyal audiences. The fun environment on Superior beach made even Ted Lasso join in. I believe fans will be thirsty to give the beer a try.
Google Pixel Camera Strikes a Chord - Jim Heitzman, President
Overall, many of the commercials during the 2024 Super Bowl failed to keep my interest. However, Google's advertisement showcasing its Google Pixel camera stood out. The depiction of a visually impaired man using the technology to capture moments with his family resonated deeply. The moment of surprise when the photo revealed three faces instead of two was particularly impactful. By seamlessly blending emotion with technology, the commercial struck a chord and was masterfully executed. Kudos to Google for a job well done.
"Talkin' Like Walken" - Kevin Beauseigneur, Creative Director
It's Christopher Walken's world and we're all in it. Standing out against the expected assembly of celebrity endorsers, BMW's "Talkin' like Walken" tuned into the popular Walken impersonation trend with a ton of humor and that Walken charm. The social extension on TikTok inviting people to post their best Walken imitation tied a delightful bow on a great idea.
Social Segmentation from United - Jeremy Hogan, VP of Engagement
United Airlines brilliantly leveraged targeted messaging and the passion of football fans to promote its policy of “no change fees.” In ads delivered via social media, Friday Night Lights star Kyle Chandler spoke directly to six different fanbases – along with one general version of the ad – sharing team-specific reasons to believe that next year is their year. But if Kyle’s speech wasn’t enough motivation for fans to book their flights to next year’s big game, United reminds us there are no change fees…“just in case.”
Like a Good NAAAY-BA - Danielle Vitogiannes, VP of Experience
The State Farm commercial was fantastic, featuring new spokesperson, AHHHHnald. Schwarzenegger’s classic action hero persona adds such charm. The highlight of the commercial is when Schwarzenegger struggles to pronounce the word "neighbor" in State Farm's signature tagline. The addition of Danny DeVito as backup to help Schwarzenegger nails the line perfectly.