This is an exciting time for marketers as nearly every effort can be measured, providing real-time feedback on the performance of each campaign. There are countless metrics available to help us evaluate our tactics and optimize for the future. As a marketing agency, it is our responsibility to share these with a client in a way that is easy to understand and points to the key takeaways underneath the various metrics.
At Celtic, we find that the best way to present these findings is through a comprehensive marketing metrics report. These reports combine data from all facets of a campaign, including website, advertising, social media, e-mail and more to offer a holistic view of all current marketing efforts. To help explain the benefits of this approach, we’ve created three metrics of our own that are increased through comprehensive data reporting:
CCM noun
Comprehensive Campaign Measurables.
Of or relating to the sum of all marketing efforts working as a system “the report covers the CCM for the new product launch”
The most effective marketing efforts leverage a wide range of tactics and platforms to deliver a message and expand the reach of the campaign. While the goals of each individual tactic may differ slightly (increase awareness, generate leads, complete a purchase), they should ultimately all work toward the same general purpose for the brand.
CCM should be established to show the performance of a campaign as a whole rather than as isolated efforts. For example, Celtic reports bi-monthly metrics data to our client team with Zoëcon Professional Products, a leading manufacturer of insect control chemistry. The reports show interconnected data from advertising on key industry outlets, website analytics for the brand home page and web app, reports from all e-mail campaigns and an updated look at the latest numbers from the social media accounts.
ITA noun
Internal Team Awareness
State of understanding achieved when people or persons knows the interconnectedness of the efforts in a campaign “after that meeting, I feel confident in the ITA”
The client isn’t the only audience that benefits from a holistic view of the marketing metrics. The agency team can uncover a great deal as well. In spite of strong cross-department collaboration on different efforts for a given campaign, it can be difficult to keep tabs on each and every metric across all mediums after each agency team has deployed its assigned tactics. By dedicating time to sit down as a team and share data, findings and key takeaways within the agency team, it’s easier to see how the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It also provides a great opportunity to see how performances compare across efforts to better prioritize future campaigns. When the agency has a strong ITA and can see how efforts interact, they’re better equipped to offer thoughtful recommendations to the client.
VCT noun
Value of Client’s Time
Specific or nebulous dollar amount associated with the amount of time spent communicating information to a client “we know the VCT so we make sure meetings aren’t redundant”
At Celtic, our purpose is built upon two pillars: providing marketing services that deliver real results AND making life easier for our clients. Delivering comprehensive marketing reports falls under each pillar, making it central to our purpose. Clients deserve to see the results of various efforts with some insight from the agency of what worked – and what didn’t. To make the most of our time and the client’s, we report metrics to show the entire scope of efforts in one meeting. This helps prevent inundating the client with multiple meetings requests or various reports, and it provides an excellent opportunity to discuss the results and takeaways. We understand the VCT, and we don’t want to waste their time with redundant or inefficient data reporting.
With the wealth of data available at our fingertips, successful marketers will help their teammates and clients understand the key metrics and findings without being overwhelmed by them. Creating a system of comprehensive marketing metrics reporting can greatly help in this effort.